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Watch & Learn - Obama Deception (2009) by Alex Jones - Frontman for the Globalist Corporate Takeover

Writer's picture: TruthBomb2020TruthBomb2020

Updated: Nov 23, 2020

The film explains how Barrack Obama was Frontman for the Globalist Corporate Takeover.

Who is in Charge? What is their Agenda? How do they remain in control? Who are the Bushes? Why Obama? What did Obama due to further their Agenda? What Next?

KRS-ONE says Bush and Obama are merely just the managers at Burger King.

The cashier is the first court you must argue with. Then you go to the manager who comforts you and overrides the decision. But you'll never meet the franchise owner of Burger King to address your real concerns.

"The President & His Cabinet run the show, while the Franchisees profit and dictate"

Navy Seal, Governor Jesse Ventura says politics are like wrestling where the good guys and bad guys work together to put on a show like the Democrats and Republicans do.

Joe Rogan says the same people fund both parties agendas.

Professor griff says Obama is the chosen facelift for the Globalists agenda, to persuade minorities to go along with it.

Who is in Charge?

1964 "With No Apologies" Sen Barry Goldwater.

Trilateral commission seized control of political government through banking interest, churches and the media.

Military Industrial Complex

Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex after Korean War.


1802 President Thomas Jefferson wrote to secretary of treasury Albert Gallatin.

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private Banks to control the issuance of their currency first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks. will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake up homeless, on the continent their fathers Conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

Secretary Paulson, VP, Chairman of Fed

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson both fought the corporate central bank takeover, and Lincoln won but was assassinated.

Adam Weishaupt (Founder of Illuminati) & friends started the banks of England and Italy to finance the Masonic war leaders like Napoleon, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, FDR and now Obama.

Germany and Russia both had a private central bank right out the Communist Manifesto.

Secret Societies

Bilderberg Group is the executive branch which issues orders

Trilateral Commission is executive branch which enforces the Bilderberg rules in Europe, Asia and Americas. (NAU, EU, ASEAN, maybe someday the African Union etc.)

Council Foreign Relations are the US-run management group for the private sector

CFR has dominated every administration since FDR.

125 richest people in the world decide global affairs.

They meet all around the world every year in June.

June 2006 Ottawa Bilderberg group met to decide world affairs, possibly the 2008 election and the push for Obama.

Westfield VA Marriot Hotel Bilderberg meeting - Secured by CIA, Mossad etc.

Security confirmed Obama and Hillary both attended along with Rockefeller etc

A fire alarm false alarm cleared the hotel so they could evacuate the hotel and search peoples rooms.


JFK was the last "free" president of the US all the rest have been Globalists linked to the Bush Family.

JFK was picked as puppet because of his father's proNazi ties and bootlegging mafia ties. They knew he could be manipulated and persuaded because of his love for women. Any scandals would tarnish his clean Catholic image.

JFK pushed for civil rights reform, withdrawing troops, ending wars and breaking up banks.

He was assassinated and LBJ, Nixon, Bush, etc ran the show for the elite while Carter, Reagan and Clinton were puppets.

What is their Agenda?

Obama/NWO Plot

1 -World Bank Tax on everything

Climate change pushed by Al Gore, Prince Charles and the radical left encourage taxes on everything like coal, carbon, electricity, light bulbs, trash, Air, Train, medicine, laundry, water, cable, phone, internet, clothing, asphalt, groceries, sugar.

Green Energy and Green New Deal are examples of Radical Carbon Taxing.

Climate Change is cyclical and major temperature change occurred less than 400 years ago.

1600-1650 Ice Age - Minimum Solar activity. North Sea, UK, German, Dutch ports freeze.

2 Abolish & Replace Police, End Law & Order, Organized Chaos, Civilian Army

Obama wants a civilian militia force, where every citizen has three months basic training

Obama and Emanuel said Federal Citizens between 18-24 can be forced into paramilitary security force, like a community service.

Middle school and high schoolers can be trained for civil service.

Obama can force seniors into passive civil service jobs.

Bush-Presidential Directive 51, President is a dictator, Congress is ceremonial.

Order 1404- Private Civilian Army

Fascists rise up from the streets by empowering the people and silencing opposers.

3 Disarm American People

HRN1022- Eric Holder can ban any gun any time.

H 27Complete disarmament, only military can own guns

Hr45 all gun owners need physical testing to register firearms.

Extrajudicial banning of anyone on no fly list from buying a handgun, over a million people who have not been convicted of a crime have been banned.

"No fly list" disqualifies your 2nd amendment rights and violates your American citizenship. Even a 5 year old can be detained and held by TSA for 'nofly'.

4 End Free Speech & Criticism of Government

Congress has limited free speech of internet, newspapers and radio through Obamas "fairness Doctrine".

5 State-Run HealthCare

Legalized Federal Obamacare and mandating certain providers and insurance companies.

6 Increase Power of Military Industrial Complex

Bush/Obama expanded DOD Budget- Bases in Africa to overpower Africa through Africom.

Sudan. Kenya, Kenya, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, Ethiopia South Africa and Zimbabwe for oil, raw materials against China.

Militarize and destabilize the Middle East, pressure Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan/Lebanon/Libya/Syria/Cuba/Saudi Arabia to accept one world currency through civil unrest,mass inflation and trade deficits.

US also maintains pressure in all strategic countries to Russia and China's borders.

7 Federal control over ranches, farming, food production & distribution

8 Unionize with other one world governments, Form a NAU/NAFTA like EU

Accelerate TPP with Canada/ Mexico and WHO WTO etc.

9 Protect the Illusion of Choice, Elections, Power Of The People, etc

Convince people Obama is in control, and let him prop up the next savior.

Don't let people know presidents are pawns, not kings.

10 Ensure the public that the President is the Voice of the People, Push Globalism

Obama sells public on Globalist policies against peoples best interests.

How do they remain in control?

Elite use false flags to force through new laws and ease regulations and increase taxes and restrict constitutional rights.

Protect criminals worldwide from prosecution while they engage in terrorism and destruction of economies.

All the fake news does is distract the public, convincing them to go along with the program.

Media pushes for a global crisis, so they can force one world currency to manipulate the worlds economies.

"VP Bush, President Reagan & Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev near WTC"

George Bush sr mentioned new world order at UN in 1990.

People run from what Bush does and they run to what Obama promises and then they run from what Obama promises to what someone else like Trump or Hillary or Bernie promises.

Bush setup the banking cartel to takeover and used Obama to convince the people to elect him and he furthered the agenda giving them 16 years straight power from 2001 to 2017 .

Obama mentions giving others a stake in the world order that we would like to see

Federal Reserve

The United States is a corporation not a country.

1913 Federal Reserve Act - Passed

Woodrow Wilson founded Federal Reserve.

Federal Reserve is a front for IMF, the private international banking cartel.

Federal Reserve is a private company, no more Federal than FedEx.

Federal Reserve is the last central bank setup by the Rothschild Bank.

1933 FDR US declared bankrupt.

US pledges Social Security of citizens as collateral for their defaulted loans.

Ever since 1933 Secretary of Treasury has been the real controller of the Economy handling our 87 year bankruptcy proceedings that we have yet to bail ourselves out of.

Alan Greenspan: Chairman of Fed controls president of US.

No Federal Reserve audit has ever been made, vaults have been closed to public since 1973.

Who are the Bushes?

George Bush used 9/11 to triple the size of the government, Shred the Constitution and tarnish the image of the u.s. worldwide

Endless wars, 1 million+ dead Iraqis, and 5000 dead american soldiers. Patriot act, warrantless wiretapping spying and the NAU, a recession etc caused state of panic.

George Bush never found weapons of mass destruction

Public approval dropped to lowest ever, then Obama popped up

George Bush propped up Obama before he was even in office.

Why Obama?

Obama was the Trojan Horse to minorities.

Obama is like the vampire you have to invite into your home in order for him to have the power he needed to take control.

Kissinger gave Obama his first job out of college. Kissinger decided Obama would be the perfect puppet because he gets such a great reception from the people.

Obama skipped a press plane in Chicago to go to a secret meeting with Hillary Clinton in DC to rig the 2008 primaries.

What Did Obama do to advance the Agenda?

Obama works for Bush hes furthering globalist agenda.

Obama ran on change yet he kept things the same as before but worse.

Obama continued George Bush's North American Union plans with Canada and Mexico

Obama ran against NAFTA during the election (to protect our constitution & prevent government spying) but privately agreed with Canadians to keep it together

Obama "closed Guantanamo bay and all private prisons" in his first week, but was fake news. None were closed.

Obama protected private prisons and indefinite detention without trial. (Kids in Cages)

Obama approved torture of people held pending trial without being charged of a crime.

In 2008 Obama pledged to bring the troops home in 16 months then it was 23 months then he never brought them home when he actually doubled the amount of troops that were in the middle east

He pledged to end the Patriot Act but then he restarted it when it ended.

In his first term Obama double downed on private surveillance culminating to him surveilling President Trump in 2016.

Barack ran on keeping the lobbyists and donors of his campaign then immediately put a bunch in his cabinet.

Obama Appointees

King of Wall Street lobbyists Leon Panetta Head of CIA

Tom Daschel top health care lobbyist, Department of Health and Human Services

Obama picked Raytheon lobbyist William Lynn for number 2 at Department of Defense.

Timothy Geithner, President Federal Reserve of NY to Federal level,

Chief of Staff Mark Paterson lobbyist for Goldman Sachs

Obama appointed Bin Laden family lobbyist George Mitchell to middle eastern envoy

Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel former banking lobbyist organized the banking bailout that Obama supposedly disapproved of.

Secretary of Treasury Timothy Geithner Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission

German economic recovery committee Paul Volcker Bilderberg Trilateral Commission CFR

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Bilderberg CFR

Married to Bill Clinton who is a Trilateral Commission member

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates Bilderberg Group Trilateral Commission CFR

Deputy secretary of state James Steinberg bilderberg group Trilateral Commission CFR

UN Ambassador Susan Rice Trilateral Commission

National Security Advisor General James Jones Bilderberg CFR Trilateral Commission

Deputy National Security adviser Thomas Donilon Trilateral Commission CFR

Director National Security Admiral Dennis Blair Bilderberg Trilateral Commission CFR

Presidential adviser Alan Greenspan Bilderberg Trilateral Commission CFR

Special Envoy State Department Henry Kissinger Bilderberg Trilateral Commissionl CFR

Special envoy State Department Richard Haass Bilderberg Group Trilateral Commission and president of the CFR

State Department special Envoy Richard Holbrooke Bilderberg Trilateral Commission CFR

Bank Bailout - Wall St kills Main St.

Wall Street hijacked Washington in broad daylight in 2008 with Obama.

Obama was a banker shill following the Bush plans to bankrupt the economy.

Obama Biden and Pelosi worked together as POTUS, VP and Speaker to bail out the banks.

They broke up 1933 Glass-Steagall Act regulating commercial & investment banks

Five trillion dollars stolen from Treasury.

Organized salary cap for CEOs taking bailouts (except for mortgage firms, and only going forward not applying retro, protecting the bankers he bailed out)

Bank bailout was financial coup d'etat for Wall Street, 9.7 trillion since 2009.

Final plot is destroy western economy by bankrupting them through forfeiture of loans.

1947 National Security Act setup a parallel shadow government.

NSS overpowers Federal Government and restricts legal power of Congress.

Bankers would release Federal Regulators to put pressure on business owners who wouldnt sell out to the corporations.

Pushed Congress to loan unlimited credit to the world by ending Glass-Steagall

US UK and European banks loaned taxpayer money at 30% interest to 3rd world countries . Bankers bribed leaders of countries not to pay back loans and installed puppets to sign over the countrys taxes as collateral to the bank cartels.

Bankers threatened a depression in 2007 if Congress didnt bailout offshore banks.

Bankers threatened martial law and thousands of points drops in the DOW if banks weren't bailed out.

"Banks hoard bailout money, and treasury sends more"

Banks loaned us back $787 billion of Our Own taxpayer bailout money at interest for Obamas stimulus package. Congress read less than an hour and passed it anyway

They rushed through the stimulus package (with bailouts included) in 2020 too.

What Next?

Bankers knew Obama's buzz would end and 2016 would need a new solution.

They tried to force a Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush election, by pushing Bernie Sanders as the new Deception, they drummed up renewed interest from the Youth, and pushed Sanders as the Voice of the People, who then abdicated his power to Hillary Clinton, and they used Sanders endorsement to push HRC as the nominee who would certainly crush Jeb Bush.

They never expected Donald Trump to intrude on their plans.

The backup plan is race riots, food shortages, mass shootings, civil unrest.

FEMA Detention camps are already prepared.

George Washington won the revolutionary war by outlasting and outsmarting his enemy despite losing in battle many times.

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