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Tech Giants & the Surveillance State
Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google & MicroSoft are Big Tech Giants. They are ALL spying on you, reporting your activity to others, collecting your data and selling your information!
They track your web activity by spying on your search results and search histories and working with your ISPs & Wireless providers. They work with electronics manufacturers who make your cell phones, computers, tablets, gaming devices and smart devices.
They track your physical acitvity by monitoring your devices' GPS Location, or your IP Address when you're online. Your location pings off direct cell phone towers owned by these companies and their satellites. Murders have been solved just by cell phone data hitting a certain tower at a certain time, and all that information is stored indefinitely in their surveillance clouds.
When you leave an online review for a business or use an app to order product or food delivery, or movie tickets, or book a hotel, they know exactly where you are and when and what you're doing there. When you Check-In on Facebook, or tag a location on Instagram, or add something to Facebook, or Favorite a lunch spot on Google Maps, or even when you take a photo or video with your Android or IPhone, or send a text or Tweet, they all have geodata such as your location and the time that the data was created.
They track your conversations through keystrokes on your web browsers or computers, they track your messages in your Apps, they get your text messages before YOU do. They listen to your physical conversations through your device's microphone whether it be your car, cell phone, laptop, smart TV, IPad, GPS, XBOX, Alexa, Google Home, they are listening to you right now. Whether you're in public, at a friend's house, at work, at home, or walking down the street alone.
They track your thoughts by monitoring your keystrokes and search results. Even if you dont send that message you just typed out, its been recorded that you typed it and considered it. They attempt to PREDICT what you are searching for before you even finish typing it. They have a whole list of preferred sites to choose from when you click the suggested search too., and they're all waiting for you to give them your data.
By tracking your online activity, tracking where you go and when you go there, and monitoring your conversations and thoughts, they know where you are 24-7 and what you like to do, where someone could find you, what to market to you. They know that you won't buy fur coats if you are an animal rights activist, so they market faux fur to you instead. They save the fur coat companies the effort of marketing to people who won't buy their product, and they can focus more on their target market. How do they know to send you faux fur coats? They know you follow fashion trends & blogs, they know you post online and read articles in supports of animal rights, they know you were talking to someone just now about needing a new coat.
Now you will be scrolling through your Instagram and see a picture of a model in a faux fur coat. You like it, and you keep scrolling. You search Google for "New Restaurants near me" and you see an ad for 20% off coupon with free home delivery for a faux fur online store in the sidebar. You think about it, and decide, the Universe is telling me to get this coat, its in the signs, God is telling me this is what I need, etc. whatever you tell yourself, without realizing that it is actually Facebook and Google that want you to buy that coat, so they can tell the company that their ad-services worked and to keep the coat company buying their services.
All of your information & data is stored in their clouds for easy access to send to anyone willing to pay for it including other Tech Giants (to help grow their databases), or the CIA, or the Democrat Party, or the Chinese Communist Party, or to a hacker group from Somalia, or a shell company for MS-13., or even WikiLeaks. It can easily be hacked, and anyone can obtain your information and blackmail you with it. Anything you have stored in the cloud but not backed up on an external device, could literally disappear forever. Your account could get hacked, or deleted, or banned for TOS, or you could sync your Cloud to your EMPTY Device folder and accidentally delete everything.
Amazon- Biggest E-Commerce Company in the World. Prime Video with Amazon Studios.