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Osaka - COVID Patients in quarantine are told to expect mailings, receive ads for funerals instead


#TruthBomb2020 Source: Japan Today 02/02/21 by Casey Baseel

Imagine you’re a person living in Osaka who’s tested positive for coronavirus. After talking the situation over with a doctor, you’re told that you’ll need to self-quarantine at home, and that you’ll be receiving a packet in the mail with more detailed instructions in a few days.

So you head home, and before long your information packet arrives…in an envelope with a large ad for funeral services on its backside.

“Osaka Municipal Funeral Hall – For questions about funeral services, call Koekisha CO Ltd,” reads the large-font text splashed across the top-left section of the ad. The company’s free consultation services promise to explain pricing and options to give clients a concrete image of what kind of funeral the company can provide.

In different circumstances, that’d all be nice to know. When it’s plastered on an envelope being sent to someone with a difficult-to-cure and potentially deadly disease, though, an ad for funeral services starts to feel like a proclamation that your impending death is a certainty, and it’s time to make arrangements for disposing of your corpse. Alternatively, it could be seen as a stern warning that if you’re not going to follow the packet’s instructions, you’re pretty much signing your own death warrant.....


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