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About Truth Bomb 2020, Who We Are & Why We Are

Real news sources, exposing the facade.

#SeeWithYourOwnEyes #HearWithYourOwnEars

#ThinkWithYourOwnBrain #WalkAway from MSM

#StayWideAwake #EducateYourselves

Who We Are

Target Market,, Source Material


#TruthBomb2020 is a US-based daily news blog and article database, with a Facebook and Twitter following.


We gather daily News worldwide, mostly US, Canada, UK, Qatar, Japan, Australia, China, Russia & India, and group it together for redistribution. We feature popular news media like The Guardian, Daily Mail, Daily Wire, Express, The Independent, The Sun, Reuters, BBC, The Hill,  Politico, Forbes, Business Insider, Newsweek, CBC, ABC,  CBS, NBC, NY Post, Daily News, USA Today, Huffington Post, Vice, Al-Jazeera, South China Morning Post, RT, US State Dept., Military Times, etc.


Our target audience are informed people from all fields with a thirst for daily news and neutral free press. Popular topics are the 2020 election,human trafficking & sex crimes, Jeffrey Epstein, government corruption & tyranny, COVID-19, war games, terrorism, protests and police brutality, all currently trending.













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Why We Are

Excerpt from "Intro to Fake News" 07/08/2020


For Years, there has been a concentrated effort by an elite group of corporations to influence the minds of millions with controlled media.


Worldwide, Billions of people get the majority of their news from the same sources. More often than not, something will be worldwide news on all outlets, while something equally or even more newsworthy will be severely under reported or completely ignored altogether. This is an embarrassing attempt at being a free neutral press who have no opinion on the matter, just stating the facts, and letting you make up your own opinion through critical thinking.


Now the news is mostly opinion based, severely lacking on facts, and politically charged towards or against one party or another. Quotes are taken out of context, completely fabricated, anonymous sources are made up by news anchors, outright lies are repeated every day and yet the news media hardly ever apologize or recant anything.


This phenomenon is called Fake News. It's not actually news, its one or more corporations' politically charged propaganda, their personal opinion, that they would like you to think is fact, and is a belief shared by the general public, not just that corporation. Sources don't exist, third-parties who weren't present are used as 'eyewitnesses' or 'expert character witnesses" every day. Every news outlet has their own special experts and analysts who "specialize" in repeating whatever agenda the news outlet is pushing. All while real witnesses who were present are ignored and discredited, because their factual stories do no match the agenda.


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All Staff: Website Developer, Graphics, Research, Sales, Advertisement, Editor-In-Chief, Op-Ed, Production: In-House

One man does it all


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