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History of Russian Empire - Kievan Rus, Tsardom, USSR


Updated: Mar 17, 2022

859 AD, the Varangians (Vikings) began trading down the Volga Rivers to the Caspian Sea & Dnieper River to the Black Sea. They demanded tribute along the way. Some of them merged with the local Eastern Slavs and became the Rus' people.

860 AD - Rus attack Constantinople. Byzantines sent missionaries for them to convert.

862 AD Finnic/Slavic tribes push the Varangians out of Novgorod.

862 AD 3 Brothers came to rule Novgorod, Beloozero & Izbork. 2 of them died and the remaining brother Rurik of Lagoda ruled all 3. This began the Rurik dynasty until 1598.

863 AD Rurik sends Askold & Dyr to conquer the Khazars on the Dniper River at Kyiv.

874 AD - 1st Archbishop of the Rus

879 AD Rurik dies and leaves the realm to his son Oleg.

880 AD Prince Rurik conquers Smolensk & Lyubech.

882 AD Prince Oleg of Novgorod slays Princes Askold & Dyr, and conquers Kiev, new Capitol.

882-912 AD Oleg Rurik of Novgorod ruled the Rus.

907 AD Grand Prince Oleg of Kyiv attacks Constantinople, to secure the trade routes.

912 AD - Grand Prince Oleg dies.

913-945 AD - Prince Igor Rurikid ruled the Rus.

941 AD - Prince Igor Rurikid leads an attack on Constantinople, meeting "Greek Fire".

963-972 AD Svyatoslav Rurikid becomes Prince of Kyiv.

969 AD Svyatoslav Rurik, Prince of Kyiv, moves Capitol to Pereyaslavets (Danube)

970 AD - Svyatoslav Rurik, Prince of Kyiv, makes his son Volodymyr The Great, Prince of Novgorod, solidifying the Rurik Dynasty.

972 AD - Svyatoslav Rurik, Prince of Kyiv, dies, His son Yaropolk tries to seize Kyiv & Novgorod.

976 AD - Volodymyr flees from Yaropolk to Scandinavia, he is protected by Norway,

980 AD- Volodymyr Rurik regains Kyiv & Novogorod as Grand Prince, reaching to the Baltics.

980 AD- Volodymyr The Great protects the Rus from nomads from the Baltics, Bulgaria & Asia.

987-1397 AD Principality of Polotsk (Belarus) formed.

987-1199 AD Principality of Volhynia formed.

987 AD - Volodymyr The Great negotiates a peace treaty with Byzantine Emperor Basil II and invades Chersonesus (Crimea) to squash protests against Emperor Basil.

988 AD - Volodymyr The Great (Vladimir I) adopts Christianity, marrying Anne, Basil's Sister.

988-1402 AD Principality of Chernigov formed.

992-1323 AD Principality of Pereyaslavl formed. Vladimir conquers the Pechenegs.

Late 10th Century - Vladimir I conquers Khazar Tsutarakan (Crimea), renames it Samkarsh.

1015 AD - Vladimir I Rurik dies. His son Yaroslav The Wise becomes Prince of Novgorod.

1019 AD - Yaroslav I The Wise, son of Vladimir I, becomes Grand Prince of Kyiv.

1054-1093 AD - 3 Sons of Yaroslav ruled the Rus.

1054-1508 AD Principlaity of Smolensk formed.

1093-1113 AD Sviatopolk II Rurik, Grand Prince of Kiev for 20 years.

1097-1521 Principality of Ryazan formed.

1113-1125 AD Vladimir II Rurik, Grandson of Yaroslav, became Grand Prince of Kiev.

1124-1239 AD Principality of Halych formed.

1125-1132 AD Mstislav I the Great Rurik, Son of Vladimir II became Grand Prince of Kiev.

1132-1139 AD - Yaropolk II Rurik, Brother of Mstislav, became Grand Prince of Kiev.

1132-1471 - Principality of Kiev formed.

1136-1478 Novgorod Republic formed.

1139-1146 AD - Vesvolod II, became Grand Prince of Kiev

1146-1149 AD - Iziaslav II, Grandson of Vladimir II Monomakh, first Volhynian Prince.

1149-1157 AD - Yuri I Dolgorukiy, conquers Rostov

1157-1331 AD Grand Duchy of Vladimir formed

1199-1253 AD - Rus' Principalities of Galicia & Volhynia are united in western Ukraine.

1239 Principality of Halych merges with Galicia-Volhynia.

1253-1349 Kingdom of Ruthenia formed from Galicia-Volhynia

1220 AD - Mongol-Tatar invasions of Ukraine

1238 AD Michael II, Grand Prince of Kiev. 1240 flees Kiev to King Bela IV of Hungary.

1239 - Principality of Pereyaslavl destroyed by Mongols.

1240 - Sack of Kyiv, Mongol-Tatars.

1263-1547 Grand Principality of Moscow formed.

1331 Grand Principality of Moscow annexes Grand Duchy of Vladimir

1349 AD Poland annexes Kingdom of Ruthenia, Galicia-Volhynia

1397 Grand Duchy of Lithuania annexes Principality of Polotsk (Belarus)

1402 Grand Duchy of Lithuania annexes Principality of Chernigov (Ukraine)

1404 Grand Duchy of Lithuania annexes Principality of Smolensk

1478 Grand Duchy of Moscow annexes Novgorod Republic

1504-1611 Grand Duchy of Moscow annexes Principality of Smolensk

1521 Grand Duchy of Moscow annexes Ryazan.

1547-1721 Tsardom of Russia formed.

1611-1654 Principality of Smolensk captured by Polish-Lithuania.

1654 Tsarist Russia captures Smolensk from Polish-Lithuania.

1721 Russian Empire formed.


6th Century BC - Greeks from Miletus & Izmir (Turkey) colonized Crimea & Sea of Azov (Ukraine) . Panticapaeum (Miletus), Nymphaeum (Samos), Myrmekion (Ionians), Phanagoria (Izmir), Kepoi (Miletus), Hermonassa (Lesbos, Crete), Sindica/Gorgippia (Pontic Greeks)

Iranic Scythians merged with the Greeks and became Hellenistic Cimmerians

580 BC - Nymphaeum (Crimea) founded by Greeks from Samos Island.

543 BC - Phanagoria (Taman, Russia) founded by Teians from Izmir.

438 BC-370 AD - Bosporan Kingdom (Cimmerians- Greek-Scythians)

107 BC-63 BC - Bosporan Kingdom renamed Kingdom of Pontus.

63 BC-370 AD - Roman Republic & Empire

63-68 AD - Kingdom of Pontus becomes part of Moesia Inferior.

200 AD - Goths from the Baltics settle in Ukraine. pushing out the Sarmatians,

370AD - End of Bosporan Kingdom, Greek-Scythian Cimmerians, Moesia, Rome,

375 AD - Huns invade from the East and takeover the Goths, Alans & Bosporans.

5th-6th Century AD - Bulgars & Avars drive out the Huns

5th-6th Century AD - Slavs split in homeland north of Carpathians. Western Slavs settle Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, & Germany, Southern Slavs settle the Balkans, Eastern Slavs settle Belarus, Ukraine & Russia.

482 AD - Kyiv is founded

632-665 AD - Phanagoria, Capital of Old Great Bulgaria.

7th Century AD - Hermonassa conquered by Khazars. Fortress town renamed Tmutarakan.

7th-9th Century AD - Volga River part of Khazar Empire (Turkic)

Mid 9th Century - Vangarians (Vikings) form the Rus' in Kyiv, the middle of a trade route from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea & Byzantium (Constantinople).

Late 9th Century AD - Magyars (Hungarians) breach the steppes of Khazaria

10th-11th Century - Pechenegs dominate southern Ukraine, replaced by the Polovtsians (Cumans)

Only surviving Greek Colony is Chersonesus on Crimea, part of Byzantine Empire

10th Century - Kyivan Rus (Varangians) control from the Kyiv steppes to Lake Ladoga (Finland)

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