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HELL ON EARTH: India suffering ‘mutant Covid tsunami’ with bodies burned 24/7 as Britain FINALLY imposes travel ban 2021/04/23 - The Sun - India is fighting a 'biblical' level pandemic with over 300,000+ new cases daily, highest total of any country at any period in time. They are 2nd in the world in COVID Deaths & infections, behind only the US. India was fighting a first and second mutation due to regular travel to and from UK and South Africa, and now a very deadly third mutation is robbing India of their oxygen. Every region in the country is effected and some regions are hoarding oxygen and refusing to send it to the capital of Delhi, or it is being hijacked en route. Indians are dying on the floors in hospital hallways due to lack of beds and medical staff.

It is common practice in India to cremate your own relatives at public crematory grounds. It is also custom not to burn bodies after sundown. Due to the amount of daily deaths, bodies are being burnt 24/7, against customs, and families are waiting in lines for hours in 95 degree weather to burn their dead. The smell of smoke and burning flesh fills the skies in India. So many bodies being burnt 24/7 the Incinerators are melting from overuse. Over 16 Million people in India have contracted COVID. Over 2 Million new cases per week right now. UK added India & Pakistan to their travel ban list, ending travel prematurely, leaving many stranded abroad.


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