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Fake News vs Real News

Start by clicking through the flash show in the pictures above. Keep an open mind.

24-Hour News Channels were created to increase viewership during slower periods of the day & night, and as an entertainment alternative to the Big 3 (ABC, CBS, NBC).

Cable News Channels are like news entertainment kind of like how WWE is sports entertainment. They have an agenda and they push the agenda continually while finding "relevant news" to contribute to their agendas. They ignore news that contradicts their agenda.

Print news media is dead and majority of news today is read online where anything can be typed up in 5 minutes and entire websites can be created in 15 minutes. This is like using Wikipedia News where anyone can change the story and no one finds out until much later.

Print news like Washington Post & New York Times only stay relevant by relying on their reputation to push wild allegations that are usually proven inaccurate. They use/fabricate "anonymous sources" for serious allegations like treason, presidential impeachments, rape trials, political corruption, tax evasion, etc and offer no apology when disproven.

The CIA has been controlling the news since the 1970's when they used the media to convince the public to accept the Warren Commission's report that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman to kill JFK despite the general public believing otherwise. Anderson Cooper and many other "reporters" are actually CIA agents continuing the practice of covering up CIA crimes.

Corporate News Media are owned by Corporations. (SHOCKING!) There are only 6 Corporations that control 90% of the Western Media. NBC/Universal, ABC/Disney, CBS/Viacom, Fox/Newscorp, SONY/TriStar, and AT&T/CNN/TimeWarner. They all share similar agendas like avoiding taxing & regulating big corporations, exploiting viewers for profits, advertisement revenue and commercial time for their other businesses, ignoring surveillance technology and corrupt business practices and financial fraud. They all use their movie & TV studios to push their agendas, even on competitors networks, and they use their in-house celebrity actors to cross promote their brands on different outlets to influence the public to use their products.

Almost every politician and executive that wants to grow in importance will network with others, and they will lobby their services off to the highest bidder, regardless of the downsides.
They all donate to each others' causes at one time or another, almost all of them donate to the Democrat Party which protects them from paying their fair share of taxes and allows lots of loopholes for them to exploit, but some also donate to the Republican Party to maintain their image with conservative customers.

The Corporate Media has always been sending us subliminal messages in Television.

The Media uses propaganda to confuse the public and divide and conquer.
The Fake News is skewing everything and hiding the facts, blaming everything on one man.
​The Democrat agenda is "turn on, tune in, drop out" of reality.
Millions of people have become NPC's/Bots/Zombies repeating everything pushed on them.
Ignore it all, turn off the programming, and put Americans first in everything you do.
Find trusted news sources and It won't be long til you'll be Seeing Things The Right Way!
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