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Captain Sir Toom Moore, UK War Hero, National Icon, 100 years old, Dies from COVID, UK in Mourning


#TruthBomb2020 Source: Forbes 02/02/21 by Carlie Porterfield

Captain Sir Tom Moore, the 100-year-old British veteran who became a national hero after raising millions for frontline pandemic workers by walking laps in his garden, has died after being diagnosed with coronavirus last week.

Moore will be remembered for raising $45 million for the National Health Service’s frontline pandemic workers by asking for donations to walk 100 laps in his front yard before his 100th birthday in April.

Initially, Moore only aimed to raise roughly $1,200, but his pledge soon went viral, allowing him to donate more than $45 million thanks to donations from around 1.5 million people.

In July, Queen Elizabeth II knighted Moore in one of her first public appearances after entering quarantine last year.


From @captaintommoore on Twitter 01/18/21

"We're full of hope from all the stories we've been hearing of people young and old doing incredible things. They prove what everyone is capable of and if we all unite we can make a real difference. It doesn’t take much, even a smile can brighten a day" #TomorrowWillBeAGoodDay

Read More... Forbes


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