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Jeffrey Epstein Black Book Database 1 (A-L)

Epstein's Black Book is a database of many of the Epstein flight records and contacts in his address book etc. The Text database is 248-pages long with around 2,000 entries and too much data for one post. Here is another database of the Full Address Book with Basic Information on each entry.

Only the first 66 of 95 pages have been analyzed in detail, but the other 28 pages are available fully unredacted also. One single page has redactions (Epstein's 91) has redactions under California Massages. Epstein's address book started on Page 6 and goes to page 97, there are 92 pages.

Also included are 3 Pages of E-Mails included in the black book which appear to be pages 2, 3 and 5 of the Address Book. Pages 1 & 4 are missing and possibly blank.

Part 1, 2, 3, 4 Starting off at Page 66, the data remains to be analyzed but is available for viewing.

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