What if Pinocchio is a story of a child groomed by Hollywood for entertainment purposes and kept as a physical slave?
Why do the kidnappers tap Pinocchio on his bottom and tell him he has great profile & physique? And why do they do tap him on his bottom a second time? Why do they twice refer to a child actor's bottom as the source of his potential?
Why do they promise him riches and fame? Are they grooming as a child for slavery?
The kidnappers are Honest John (Honest John is a liar) (Reference John the Baptist?) Gideon (Gideon Bible)
"There are no strings on me" yet Pinocchio is just a puppet on some strings, dancing for a place to sleep at night.
Stromboli is an example of an evil Hollywood producer who promises fame, with sexual innuendos (Think Harvey Weinstein today)
Pinocchio is kept in a cage, child actors are sex slaves.....
References to Pleasure Island. where they never come back, as a boy. Referencing Loss of Innocence. (Think Jeffrey Epstein
What if he Pinocchio is saved from a life of sin by the Baptism of Holy Water, through Jesus Christ?
What if Jiminy Cricket = Jesus Christ?
Jiminy = minced path, mispronouncing another word.
Jimimy Cricket (JC) warns Pinocchio from going with John & Gideon.
Pinocchio starts to become evil, part jackass, he is nothing.
Pinocchio is baptized in Holy Water to cleanse his soul, and reclaim his purity and innocence.
Pinocchio is saved from the mouth of the whale. Just like Jonah from Nineveh
Pinocchio's nose grows when he lies, because all lies will be revealed in the end. Your sins are written on your face. You can tell Pinocchio is a sinner by looking in his face. Sinners give them selves up right away.
Who knew Pinocchio was really about Hollywood grooming child actors as sex slaves? What about Holy Redemption & Baptism?
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